New Year’s Solution: Putting adaptation out of business
My business started with an intention I set 10 years ago to gain enough knowledge, experience, moxie and network to establish a climate adaptation firm. It reminds me of the power of the self-help genre that tells us to write down our goals, create vision boards, and send our big ideas out into the universe.
So in the month of New Year’s resolutions, here’s the next big goal I’m setting for myself: In the next 10 years, put the adaptation business out of business.
My vision is this: every housing, health, water, food, transportation, energy, communications and economic development decision we make anticipates a climate-changed future.
Adaptation needs to be a part of the routine! And, like the green building movement it needs to be not only acceptable, but expected, that every professional that makes decisions that impact our future (that’s all of us) thinks adaptation first.
Right now, Adaptation is a movement, it’s a special attribute. It’s embraced by a minority.
But in 10 years, we’ll define success as adaptation being intrinsic, not unique.
And with that, all of our new year’s resolutions will be easier to achieve:
We’ll be healthier
We’ll drink more and cleaner water
We’ll have more outdoor areas to exercise
We’ll put our families first
We’ll take more calculated risks
We’ll have a better quality of life…
And we’ll have a lot more reasons so smile more!
Happy New Year!